Welcome to PRIVACY Essentials

Privacy is not the same as security, but the more they work together, the better the results.

A healthy respect for privacy, and especially when it comes to sensitive and confidential information, can significantly reduce the chances of a security or data breach.

And personal privacy is something that everyone on this campus expects anyway.
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Our top PRIVACY tips

Get familiar with campus guidelines for privacy and follow them closely.
Don’t share confidential data with others without permission.
Don’t store confidential data on any device with the proper security in place.
Always question any requests to share confidential data.
Don’t collect data you don’t need or don’t have permission to.
Never use data to hurt, harm, or discriminate against anyone.
Remember that most data represents real people – what would they expect?
Don’t access confidential or sensitive data that you don’t have permission to.
Always guard any sensitive data you have access to or carry with you.
Dispose of any confidential data if you no longer need it.
Get familiar with any state or Federal data privacy laws that apply to any data you handle.
If you're going to use data for research, make sure you have permission.