Welcome to the Essentials of SECURITY AWAY FROM CAMPUS

Because the security risks are everywhere, you can’t afford to drop your guard when you leave this campus.

And that’s especially true if you work for the University and need to travel for business or for conferences.

So keep your guard up, remain vigilant, and protect your data and devices.
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Our top OFF CAMPUS security tips

Whether you’re traveling, attending a conference, working from a local coffee shop, or working from home, it’s important to always keep your guard up.

Don't carry any sensitive data that you absolutely don't need to.
If you have kids or roommates, don't allow them to use any computer you use for University work.
Make sure every device is password protected.
Especially vigilant when passing through airports, staying at hotels, or attending conferences.
Always follow university guidelines for accessing university networks from any remote location.
Make sure you have lots of home security rules in place too.
Avoid using free Wi-Fi to access university networks or data.
Don't store or carry sensitive data on any device without the proper security measures in place.
Be wary of public charging ports and especially at airports.
Make sure all your personal devices, and especially laptops and tablets, have a good security and virus protection in place too.